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Ice Cavern

One of my chilliest creations: the Ice Cavern. Inspired by various fantasy locales including The Legend of Zelda.


This environment was crafted with a mixture of 3DS Max modeling, Substance Painter/Designer texture-work, and put together using Unreal Engine 4. Based off various fantasy ice-like locales including The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the ice cavern was a small environment created to primarily show off some lighting effects in a semi-closed off environment.

The environment created utilizes some interesting lighting features and particle effects. The blue flame effect created through Unreal Engine's particle systems. Each crystal was also mapped out with material blueprints and set to glow on a timer.

With these lighting and particle tricks, I was able to create an ice cavern with what feels like a foggy air about it. These lighting effects help create a mystical locale that feels serene to walk about.

The materials created for the rock and ice textures were custom-made, utilizing Substance Designer's endless supply of creative tools. The ice texture was created to have a uniformly bumpy look to it, as if the ice crystals were larger than normal. Creating the texture like this helped to give off the fantastical look I was going for. The rock texture has more of a rough granite look to it.

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